Christmas Party Outfit Ideas

Hi Fashionistas! How are you today? I know that pyjamas and leggings are in heavy rotation during these dull days of lockdown and you’re looking forward to any chance to put real clothes on. What better excuse to get dressed than attending a Christmas party (virtual ones count too!). Whether you’re planning a Zoom happyContinue reading “Christmas Party Outfit Ideas”

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Ultimate Guide to Thrifting in Dublin

Welcome back to my blog fashionistas! Are you looking for original threads, vintage bargains or deadly jewellery and don’t know where to start? Today, I’ve prepared for you a starter guide to go thrift shopping in Dublin! These are some of our favourite Irish-owned shops, designers, boutiques and sites; we bet you’ll love them too! Ready?? Let’sContinue reading “Ultimate Guide to Thrifting in Dublin”

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SOS New Coat: Our Season’s Fav!

Good morning my lovely fashionistas! The choice of the coat to buy promptly returned to haunt the arrival of this winter. But the big question is: How to choose a good coat? Is it worth investing in it? Let’s start by answering the second question: absolutely yes! We are often tempted by super affordable coatsContinue reading “SOS New Coat: Our Season’s Fav!”

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15 Iconic Movies and Series about Fashion

Hello, hello, hello Fashionistas! Films have always made us dream and whatever your stance on the world of cinema is, as a fashion devotee (which we’re assuming you are, since you’re here), there are some movies you simply can’t miss. In today’s post I want to talk about the most fashionable movies and series everContinue reading “15 Iconic Movies and Series about Fashion”

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Planet Fashion Calls: Top 5 Ethical and Sustainable Fashion Brands

Dear Fashionistas, welcome back to our blog! Today we’re going to talk about an important topic. But first, let me ask you a question: Do you want to have a more sustainable wardrobe, but thrifting is not your thing? Or are you a catwalk junkie? Love for the latest trends is no longer an excuseContinue reading “Planet Fashion Calls: Top 5 Ethical and Sustainable Fashion Brands”

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Your Ultimate Guide to Fall/Winter 2020 Top Fashion Trends

Hi to all Fashionistas and welcome to our blog! This week, after having seen all the best runway looks that the fashion week in Paris, London, and Milan have reserved to us, we have carefully selected the best trend to follow for this season, discovered which are the best pieces worth investing in, and theContinue reading “Your Ultimate Guide to Fall/Winter 2020 Top Fashion Trends”

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Perfect Work/Study from Home Outfit Ideas (Quarantine Style)

Hi to our beloved fashionistas! As many of us work/study from home amid the coronavirus pandemic, it can be extremely tempting to ignore the more fashionable items in our closets in favor of pure comfort and the temptation to stay in our PJs all day! #stayhomestaychic and #goingnowherebutf—itimgettingdressed, are some inspiring examples of Hashtags toContinue reading “Perfect Work/Study from Home Outfit Ideas (Quarantine Style)”

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